Our Pricing



Unlimited searches

Index 1,000 documents

1 Site

Daily site crawls



Unlimited searches

Index 10,000 documents

10 Sites

Hourly site crawls

Search analytics



Unlimited searches

Index up to 1 million documents

Unlimited sites

Configure crawl frequency

Search analytics & reports

All plans come with a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.


Below is a list of frequently asked questions.

What is Easy Site Search?

Easy Site Search is a website plugin that enhances your website’s search functionality. It provides lightning-fast search results, real-time updates, and customization options to improve user experiences.

How does Easy Site Search work?

Integrating Easy Site Search is easy. Simply embed our JavaScript code into your HTML, customize the search bar’s appearance, and start enjoying improved search functionality.

What types of websites can benefit from Easy Site Search?

Easy Site Search is suitable for all types of websites, including blogs, e-commerce platforms, corporate sites, and more. Any website that wants to offer an efficient search experience can benefit from our plugin.